HUMMINGWAY is rewriting the script on how we care for our bodies.

Introducing Whole Cycle Wellness™ - where every cycle, stage and phase is accounted for by addressing the root issues.

Whole Cycle Wellness™:

  • Embraces the whole picture to take an informed, informative and illuminating approach to addressing our bodies, by embracing the whole picture and root issue.

  • Rejects the quick, temporary, and harmful fix.

  • Teaches you to navigate your mood, nourishment, movement and intimacy while rebalancing your systems for long-term results for your health and body.

  • Challenges the status quo by uncovering gaps in research and education that address the whole cycle, not just phases in isolation.

Hummingway is giving you direct, digestible information and health solutions that enable you to finally understand cycle care. You’ll be more in tune with your body so that you’re equipped to do what’s best for you at all times.

Welcome to a whole new way of life.

Let's look at the whole picture
Not just one phase in isolation
That's Whole Cycle Wellness™
Let's look at the whole picture
Not just one phase in isolation
That's Whole Cycle Wellness™
Ashley Greene Khoury

Ashley Greene Khoury

Actor, activist, always on-the-go, Ashley found herself later in life turning to her inner circle of friends and family in times of menstrual discomfort.

When coming off hormonal birth control, Ashley opened up to her sister-in-law-turned-co-founder Olivia, to work through ways she could be more in control of her body’s feelings. Ashley was determined to find a clearer, cleaner path to hormonal harmony.

Health - specifically menstrual wellbeing - was no longer a one-sided conversation, no longer a taboo topic, no longer a frustrating din clouding her life.

Instead the hum of hormonal harmony. Shared feelings and learnings as a group. And like that, Hummingway started to take flight.

“Get-up-and-go isn’t always the right medicine, yet over the years we’ve been conditioned to power through. We need to listen to our bodies and hormones.”

Olivia Khoury

Olivia Khoury

Growing up with a well-versed naturopath for a mom, Olivia was schooled in the holistic ways of the world.

Empowered with this knowledge, while penning tips and suggestions to Ashley who was living life on-the-go, Olivia imagined a space dedicated to presenting the whole picture, particularly after being diagnosed with PMDD. Olivia saw an opportunity to share products and original thought on periods and hormones on a broader platform.

The duo knew they could multiply their learnings exponentially, by creating a judgement-free, accessible space for everyone experiencing these common feelings. Plus products that empower people to take health into their own hands. Doing things the Hummingway.

“We’re not here to put flowers and rainbows around your period. We’re here to make change and provide action that actually works.”

Now, the sisterhood flock together to share this knowledge with a collection of care products.

Support comes from a cast of inspiring minds across medicine, wellness and science who bring an informed, diverse body of thought to a subject that’s only been half-told. Up until now.

Meet Hummingway.

Backed by Experts

Our medical advisory board, comprised of qualified and renowned doctors, nutritionists and scientists, helps guide our approach to the latest research and product innovation.

Dr. Claudia Aguirre

Dr. Claudia Aguirre

Dr. Claudia Aguirre, PhD, is a neuroscientist and mind-body expert, specializing in the connection between the brain and skin. Dr. Claudia received her Bachelor of Science degree from UCLA and her Doctorate from University of Southern California.

Dr. Jolene Brighten

Dr. Jolene Brighten

Dr. Jolene Brighten, NMD FABNE, is an award-winning naturopathic physician. Author of 'Beyond the Pill' and 'Healing Your Body Naturally After Childbirth', Dr. Brighten is a committed patient advocate, helping uncover the root cause of hormonal challenges.

Vanessa Fitzgerald

Vanessa Fitzgerald

Vanessa Fitzgerald is a certified health coach and Nutrition Response Testing practitioner. Vanessa specializes in hormonal wellbeing, skin health, detox from medication, digestive health and reproductive health conditions including PCOS and amenorrhea.

Dr. Shamsah Amersi

Dr. Shamsah Amersi

Dr. Shamsah Amersi, MD, FACOG, is a leading OB-GYN, specializing in a holistic approach to women's health. During her career to date, award-winning Dr. Amersi has delivered over 10,000 babies, and works as the personal physician to high profile clients.

Reasons to believe
Your menstrual cycle, your health
The whole picture of hormonal health
Shining a light on your body

Reasons to believe

Easy application - wherever, whenever
  • Easy application - wherever, whenever
  • Bloating, be gone
  • Research-backed formulations
  • Natural quality ingredients delivered innovatively
  • Bounce back to feeling balanced
  • Whole Cycle Wellness™ for hormonal harmony
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