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Cycle Health

Kara shares her Cycle Story

Hummingway Regular Community Member, Kara Robinson, opens up about her lifelong struggle with severe period pain and Endometriosis. Misunderstood by doctors for years, she finally found a diagnosis in her 30s, followed by her challenging journey to motherhood. Now, she shares how the Cycle Soother has helped manage her symptoms, advocating for self-trust and education in women's health. Join us as Kara unravels her story of resilience and hope.

4 min read | June 15, 2023

Let's start at the beginning. I was 14 years old when I had my first period. I remember the pain quickly becoming unbearable. I would be doubled over, throwing up from the severity of the pain and basically not able to function those first few days. I would be in bed or in a hot bath. None of those things really helped me, but I didn't have many options. I was missing school, dance, work and anything that I might have had planned. Over the course of my life I have had three different primary care doctors and each and every one told me that this was normal. The cramps that would have me throwing up, the heavy bleeding, the back pain, and then when I was older the painful intercourse. Nobody seemed to care or be all that concerned. It was definitely defeating. They would recommend Birth control or prescribe me a high strength of Motrin and maybe some nausea meds. I would decline the birth control and searched for other things that could help. I would try a heated lavender rice pillow, essential oils, eating clean foods, getting rid of gluten, but it seemed that nothing would really do much. 

Finally in my 30's I would try to get pregnant and had a difficult time so I sought out a doctor. Within the first visit I was told they were pretty confident that I had Endometriosis. They handed me a booklet about it and I immediately knew this had to be it. I was scheduled for a few ultrasounds because it was the only way to get to what they knew was needed. And that was an Endometriosis Laparoscopy. The also found multiple fibroids. When I finally received that surgery the Endometriosis was confirmed, but I had already had years of scaring leaving permanent damage. One of my Fallopian tubes was completely blocked and damaged which was why I struggled to get pregnant. Because of that I was also at a high risk for tubal pregnancy since my body only had one tube to work with. I was told that my best chance to get pregnant successfully would be once I was cleared after surgery so that's what I did.

And it worked. I am blessed now with a three year old! But it still saddens me that I dealt with years of gaslighting and numerous doctors who never took the time to look into and help me with this health issue. It stole a lot of time from me. And it left me doubting my own instinct that something was wrong.

I was pretty skeptical to try a new product, but after my periods returned again(I had a break during pregnancy and while breastfeeding) they came back with a vengeance. A friend told me about these patches. These patches allow me to be functional! I'm not throwing up from the pain. Within an hour of applying I can feel the difference and get to go about my day/life. Mama's definitely can't just curl up in the bed in pain all day so I'm very thankful something like this exists and that there are people out there committed to educating others about this! I'm also back to trusting my instincts. I know my body and when something is wrong and always have. I will teach my daughter to always advocate for herself as well.

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