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Cycle Health

What is Whole Cycle Wellness™?

At Hummingway, we believe in sharing the whole picture on hormonal health. Here’s why.

4 min read | October 19, 2021

What We Were Noticing

Hands up if you’ve been told conflicting information about your cycle? PSA: your cycle is unique to you; certain things might be ‘typical’, but at Hummingway, we don’t believe in standardizing menstrual experiences. Been given reactive solutions that don’t address the real problem? Or just feel like you’ve never had all the info you needed to truly understand what’s going on during your cycle? 

Essentially, there’s not enough emphasis on the bigger picture of cycle care: the intricacies of each part of your cycle; the nuance of pain; the questions that go unanswered because we don’t know where to look or—shockingly —because not enough research has been done to give us the information we deserve.

There’s usually a huge emphasis on the ‘period’ part of our cycles. And even though it kicks off the whole process, it’s still only one moment in your cycle. We believe your cycle as a whole is intrinsically linked to your health and wellbeing. So that’s why we at Hummingway have coined the term Whole Cycle Wellness™.

Why Is The Status Quo A Problem For People With Periods?

There’s a reason why wise elders and friends tell us to consider the big picture. You wouldn’t date someone without knowing more than just what their job was or how they felt about puppies, right? (Although, this can say a lot about a human). We deserve to be able to understand all aspects of our cycle, not just how long we bleed for, but also: why, what kicks off the process, how do hormones affect us, and WTF is a prostaglandin? (But seriously, we have an explainer on that here).

Spoiler alert: we don’t have all the answers, and neither does science. We’re operating in an area where a gender-based data gap exists — where so much core medical research on the reproductive system and our bodies still hasn’t been done. Did you know that there are only a small handful of studies that explore the scientific reasons behind ovulation pain (yes, it can be An Actual Thing)? We need to keep advocating for continuous education for people with periods. 

How Hummingway Is Contributing To The Conversation

Whole Cycle Wellness™️ is a term we coined to bring attention to every aspect of your cycle, not just the main event that is menstruation. This is about being two steps ahead: being preventative rather than reactive. We have supporting tools for so many aspects of our life, why not for our cycle? 

Cue: The Regular. This very editorial platform where you're reading this note, where we dive into the questions you’re either asking, or didn’t even know to ask. Zooming in the phases of each cycle, the role of estrogen and progesterone in the menstrual cycle, what actually causes period or ovulation pain, or how different lifestyle factors can affect the length of your cycle. All broken down in easy-to-understand — but never patronising — language. 

Add to that our first product: The Cycle Soother, an innovative transdermal patch which can be placed over your uterine area, delivering targeted natural ingredients to help offset discomfort during your cycle. Otherwise known as your new cycle sidekick. You don’t have to thank us, you deserve this.

It’s Not About Quick Fixes

Never a quick fix. Instead, we’re about learning how to move in sync with the phases and moments of our cycles. Getting in touch with what our bodies feel and need. Understanding the science behind our health and our bodies. And actively calling for more research, more support and more studies into our cycles (maybe doing some of those on our own, too).

Because our bodies work in a cycle that moves through unique phases. This isn’t a cycle that always comes back around every month (more on debunking the myth of ‘normal’ menstrual cycle lengths here). The more access to information people with periods have, the more we can shine a spotlight on what’s happening in our bodies. 

Whole Cycle Wellness™️ invites you to zoom into the patterns of your body and to discover more about your own, unique hormonal health. Welcome to a whole new way of life.

Hummingway's Cycle Soother patch
About Author

Your hormones can be complex and unpredictable. That’s why we’re here, on The Regular, to do what’s long overdue - to demystify what’s going on with our reproductive systems, our hormones and our whole cycle.

We’re here to support your day-to-day queries serving useful content that is uncomplicated and unbiased. No topic is too complicated or too specific for us to address/focus on.

The Cycle Soother
(27) Reviews
The Cycle Soother patch delivers targeted natural ingredients to help offset monthly discomfort. Say hey to your cycle sidekick.
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